
Wyndham Veterinary Clinic  >  Microchipping


A microchip is an RFID device, which provides a permanent method of identification. This small chip (about the size of a grain of rice) has a unique barcode that can be scanned using a microchip scanner. The microchip number is registered with one of the microchipping agencies in the country and will house your contact information and your pet’s details for identification.

The microchip is placed under the skin between the shoulder blades on the back of your pet’s neck using a sterile implantation device. This is done by an authorised vet or veterinary nurse and requires an appointment to be made in our clinic. From 1 July 2020, a dog or cat breeder’s Pet Exchange Register source number, or the source number of the council pound, animal shelter, pet shop or foster carer that owns the animal, will be required when implanting a new microchip into a dog or cat born after that date.

All microchipping appointments now require you to pre-register for a source code. For more information and registration please see per.animalwelfare.vic.gov.au

It is compulsory for dogs and cats in Victoria to have a microchip for registration with the council. For more information on council registration, click here.


Should your pet become lost, any veterinary clinic, animal shelter or local council is able to scan for a microchip. The council can then locate your details and ensure your pet’s safe return home. It is important that you keep all your details, especially contact phone numbers, up to date with the database to ensure you can be contacted if your pet goes missing. If your contact details have changed, contact Central Animal Records to arrange updating your file on (03) 97063187
